Jimbotec aims to consistently provide affordable, reliable, high quality service to computer users everywhere.

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News • About • Rates • Contact • Emergency Service

Emergency Service

Emergency calls are billed at $90 per hour, with a $50.00 minimum.

Email: 911@jimbotec.com

For fastest results, make sure the subject line is just one word:   Help!
give us a contact name and phone number, and a very brief description of the situation.
We'll have a technician with appropriate experience call you immediately.
This will be faster than calling the main line, as you will need to give this same information to an operator who must then dispatch the same appropriate technician.

Mail sent to 911@jimbotec.com is immediately re-distributed to at least two technicians to guarantee your message gets a quick response. This means it is possible for more than one technician to respond.

North Vancouver to Coquitlam,
  Phone Jim, 604-763-5832

Hope and surrounds,
  Phone Joe, 604-860-3757

Technical Support • Repairs • Sales • Networking • Upgrades • Tutoring
E-Mail support@jimbotec.com | Phone (604)763-5832 In hope: (604)750-0559