Jimbotec aims to consistently provide affordable, reliable, high quality service to computer users everywhere.
In-Shop: $40/hr
Most jobs run between ten and forty minutes.
House calls: $60/hr
Minimum charge is thirty minutes.
Emergency calls are billed at $90 per hour, with a $50.00 minimum.
We waive minimum charges for telephone, e-mail, and online (using VNC or similar) technical support.
Calls under two minutes are usually free.
Opinions are free. Expert consultation billed at full rate.
Travel is billed at $0.50/km outside downtown Hope. You will be informed of the charge ahead of time.
In the Greater Vancouver area, we usually manage to avoid charging travel time by dispatching jobs close
The minimum charge (see Standard Rates, above) includes up to 30 minutes travel
Further travel is billed at $18.00 per hour.
At this time it is not practical for us to accept credit or debit cards.
We currently accept cash, cheques, bank drafts, money orders, etc.
Accounts owing less than $20 may, subject to our discretion, be put on a tab and not invoiced ‘till there is at least $20 owing.
Technical Support • Repairs • Sales
• Networking • Upgrades • Tutoring
E-Mail support@jimbotec.com
| Phone (604)763-5832 In hope: (604)750-0559